
By Dexter Carpenter

This repository is being used to keep track of my webscraper versions and progress

Below are the instuctions on how to install my websraper

Here is the tutorial I followed:


There are several folders in my repository:


  • Class notes and other notes that I used in making the scraper; these are mostly for myself.
  • My Flowchart is also kept in this folder (as well as down below)
    • both the PNG and the XML file are kept here


  • a folder holding all my previous versions. I did this because every time I push from local I backup everything.


  • This folder was used to host my virtual environment.
  • I recommend you use this folder as well for your virtual environment.
  • Located in this folder is also a file called 'WebScraper8.py'. This is the file that is my current version of my scraper. This is the file you should run to access my scraper.


  • Also included in the repository is a .gitignore file. This file ignores the .lpvenv file generated in the 'environment' file - making 'environment' a great place to host your virtual environemnt.

Here is my Flowchart: It outlines what my program does:


Install Instructions:

I am using Python 2.7.14

Before running, be sure you install BeautifulSoup 4 in your virtual environment:

pip install BeautifulSoup4
pip install twilio

You're all set! Happy Scraping!

Other Attributions

I also would like to link a peer's webscraper that I looked at to help form my own:


WebScraper created by:

Dexter Carpenter