Source code for CIKM 2021 paper Reinforced Active Entity Alignment

Primary LanguagePython


Source code for CIKM 2021 paper Reinforced Active Entity Alignment

Codes based on EAkit. Thanks for their contribution!


Please refer to EAkit.


There are eight datasets in this folder:

Please unzip them in the data/ directory.

Take the dataset DBP15K (ZH-EN) as an example, it contains:

  • ent_ids_1: ids for entities in source KG (ZH);
  • ent_ids_2: ids for entities in target KG (EN);
  • ill_ent_ids: entity links encoded by ids;
  • ref_ent_ids: entity links for testing/validation;
  • sup_ent_ids: entity links for training;
  • triples_1: relation triples encoded by ids in source KG (ZH);
  • triples_2: relation triples encoded by ids in target KG (EN);

Query strategy scores

We have already provided the scores of the degree and Pagerank metrics in the datasets. The codes for generating such scores are also provided in the data/ directory.


  • Run
bash run_rl.sh

Change the parameters in run_rl.sh to obtain the results under other settings.

Due to the instability of embedding-based methods, it is acceptable that the results fluctuate a little bit when running code repeatedly.

If you have any questions about reproduction, please feel free to email to zengweixin13@nudt.edu.cn.