ملاحظة: هذه الإعدادات لا تزال في مرحلة التطوير، وسأقوم بإضافة المزيد من الميزات بصورة مستمرة عندما يتاح لدي وقت أكثر.
- Hyprland
- Wofi
- network-manager-applet
- playerctl
- polkit-kde-agent
- ttf-font-awesome-5
- qt5ct
- Dolphin
- brightnessctl
- gammastep
- wl-clipboard
- hyprpicker
- sysstat
- bc
- kitty
- sassc
- systemsettings
- ttf-font-awesome-5
- acpi
- fish
- KDE Material You Colors
- strawberry
- easyeffects
- nwg-look
- blueman
- telegram-desktop
- discord
- qt5-gsettings
- kvantum
- lightly-qt
- konsole
- vs code
- firefox
yay -S base-devel strawberry brightnessctl network-manager-applet telegram-desktop wofi qt5-gsettings konsole blueman ark dolphin ffmpegthumbs playerctl lightly-qt kvantum polkit-kde-agent ttf-font-awesome-5 jq gufw qt5ct tar gammastep wl-clipboard nwg-look-bin visual-studio-code-bin firefox easyeffects hyprpicker discord hyprshot-git bc sysstat kitty sassc systemsettings ttf-font-awesome-5 orchis-theme-git acpi fish kde-material-you-colors
ملاحطة: إذا كنت تستخدم نظام تشغيل آخر غير أرش فسوف تحتاج إلى تثبيت جميع البرامج الضرورية. قد تختلف الخطوات بناءً على نوع توزيعتك.
- بالنسبة للتوزيعات القائمة على دبيان/أوبونتو، يمكنك تثبيت البرامج باستخدام
apt install
او البحث عن طريقapt search hyprland
. - في Fedora/RHEL, استخدم
dnf install
اوyum install
- بالنسبة لبرامج ادارة الحزم الاخرى، قم بالبحث عن كل برنامج وتثبيته عبر مدير حزم نظامك.
git clone git@github.com:AhmedSaadi0/my-hyprland-config.git
# عمل نسخة احتياطية لملفاتك الاصلية
mv ~/.config/hypr/ ~/.config/hypr-old
mv ~/.config/ags/ ~/.config/ags-old
mv ~/.config/wofi/ ~/.config/wofi-old
cp ~/.config/fish/config.fish ~/.config/fish/config.back.fish
# نسخ الملفات
cp -r my-hyprland-config ~/.config/hypr
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/configs/ags ~/.config/ags
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/configs/wofi ~/.config/wofi
cp ~/.config/hypr/configs/config.fish ~/.config/fish/config.fish
# اعداد الصلاحيات للملفات التنفيذية
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/ags/scripts/*
# اعداد بيئة النظام
sudo cp /etc/environment /etc/environmentOLD
echo 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
# نسخ ملفات الصيمات
mkdir ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
cp ~/.config/ags/modules/theme/plasma-colors/* ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
cp ~/.config/hypr/configs/qt5ct.conf ~/.config/qt5ct/
mkdir ~/.fonts
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/configs/.fonts/* ~/.fonts
mkdir ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/BeautySolar.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Delight-brown-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Gradient-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Infinity-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/kora-grey-light-panel.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Magma.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/NeonIcons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/oomox-aesthetic-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Vivid-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Windows11-red-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Zafiro-Nord-Dark-Black.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
mkdir ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Cabinet-Light-Orange.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Kimi-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Nordic-darker-standard-buttons.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Orchis-Green-Dark-Compact.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Shades-of-purple.tar.xz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Tokyonight-Dark-BL.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Dracula.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
VISUAL=/usr/bin/nano crontab -e
* * * * * ~/.config/hypr/scripts/battery.sh
- قم بتغيير الاعدادت من ملف الاعدادات
// provider is 'ar.wttr.in'
language: 'ar', // Not implemented yot - only arabic is supported
location: 'sanaa',
format: 'j1',
// provider is 'api.aladhan.com'
city: 'sanaa',
country: 'yemen',
قم بتثبيت KDE Material You Colors في نظامك
اذا كنت تستخدم ارش بامكانك تثبيت KDE Material You Colors بهذا الامر
yay -S kde-material-you-colors
- تغيير مسار مجلد الخلفيات في الملف
wallpaper_path: "path/to/folder"
interval: الوقت_بالملي_ثانية
const dynamicM3Dark = {
wallpaper_path: `path/to/my/wallpapers`,
interval: 15 * 60 * 1000,
const dynamicM3Light = {
wallpaper_path: `path/to/my/wallpapers`,
interval: 15 * 60 * 1000,
Note: This configuration is a work in progress, and I will continue to add more features as time permits.
- Hyprland
- Wofi
- network-manager-applet
- playerctl
- polkit-kde-agent
- ttf-font-awesome-5
- qt5ct
- Dolphin
- brightnessctl
- gammastep
- wl-clipboard
- hyprpicker
- sysstat
- bc
- kitty
- sassc
- systemsettings
- ttf-font-awesome-5
- acpi
- fish
- KDE Material You Colors
- strawberry
- easyeffects
- nwg-look
- blueman
- telegram-desktop
- discord
- qt5-gsettings
- kvantum
- lightly-qt
- konsole
- vs code
- firefox
yay -S base-devel strawberry brightnessctl network-manager-applet telegram-desktop wofi qt5-gsettings konsole blueman ark dolphin ffmpegthumbs playerctl lightly-qt kvantum polkit-kde-agent ttf-font-awesome-5 jq gufw qt5ct tar gammastep wl-clipboard nwg-look-bin visual-studio-code-bin firefox easyeffects hyprpicker discord hyprshot-git bc sysstat kitty sassc systemsettings ttf-font-awesome-5 orchis-theme-git acpi fish kde-material-you-colors
Note: If you use an operating system other than Arch, you will need to install all required dependencies. The specific steps may vary depending on your distro.
- For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, you can install dependencies using
apt install
or search usingapt search hyprland
. - On Fedora/RHEL, use
dnf install
oryum install
- For other package managers, search for each dependency and install using your system's package manager.
git clone git@github.com:AhmedSaadi0/my-hyprland-config.git
# backup your files
mv ~/.config/hypr/ ~/.config/hypr-old
mv ~/.config/ags/ ~/.config/ags-old
mv ~/.config/wofi/ ~/.config/wofi-old
cp ~/.config/fish/config.fish ~/.config/fish/config.back.fish
# copy files
cp -r my-hyprland-config ~/.config/hypr
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/configs/ags ~/.config/ags
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/configs/wofi ~/.config/wofi
cp ~/.config/hypr/configs/config.fish ~/.config/fish/config.fish
# set permissions for scripts
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/ags/scripts/*
# setup environment
sudo cp /etc/environment /etc/environmentOLD
echo 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
# copy theme files
mkdir ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
cp ~/.config/ags/modules/theme/plasma-colors/* ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
cp ~/.config/hypr/configs/qt5ct.conf ~/.config/qt5ct/
mkdir ~/.fonts
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/configs/.fonts/* ~/.fonts
mkdir ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/BeautySolar.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Delight-brown-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Gradient-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Infinity-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/kora-grey-light-panel.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Magma.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/NeonIcons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/oomox-aesthetic-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Vivid-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Windows11-red-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/icons/Zafiro-Nord-Dark-Black.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
mkdir ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Cabinet-Light-Orange.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Kimi-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Nordic-darker-standard-buttons.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Orchis-Green-Dark-Compact.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Shades-of-purple.tar.xz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Tokyonight-Dark-BL.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/configs/gtk-themes/Dracula.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
VISUAL=/usr/bin/nano crontab -e
* * * * * ~/.config/hypr/scripts/battery.sh
- From the settings file in
// provider is 'ar.wttr.in'
language: 'ar', // Not implemented yot - only arabic is supported
location: 'sanaa',
format: 'j1',
// provider is 'api.aladhan.com'
city: 'sanaa',
country: 'yemen',
- You need to have KDE Material You Colors installed on your system
If you use Arch you can install it from aur
yay -S kde-material-you-colors
- Change wallpapers paths for dark & light themes in
wallpaper_path: "path/to/folder"
interval: time_in_millisecond
const dynamicM3Dark = {
wallpaper_path: `/media/shared/Pictures/wallpapers/dark`,
interval: 15 * 60 * 1000,
const dynamicM3Light = {
wallpaper_path: `/media/shared/Pictures/wallpapers/light`,
interval: 15 * 60 * 1000,