
A Hair Salon booking appointment application where an user can signup and book appointment for the services.

Primary LanguageCSS


Project Code :


Project Name :

Snips & Spikes

Deployed Link :

Warning : useCamelCase

What are the requirements ?

  • User can login and sign up
    • OTP will be sent by nodmailer
  • User can login with google account
  • User can visit pages
  • User can see services
  • User can book services / appointments and pay
    • User can view appointment
    • User rescheduled apointments
    • User can cancel appointment
    • User can book the appointment for someone else.
    • User can give feedback on appointment
    • User can see account details / update them / get previous appointment
    • User will be notified confirmationi email
  • Real time chat support
  • Feedback
  • Logout

Tech stack


  • Bootstrap / HTML / CSS / JavaScript / SwiperJS


  • NodeJS

  • ExpressJS

  • Database : MongoDB, MySQL

Schema :

  • user

    • name
    • email
    • password
  • stylist

    • name
    • email
    • salary
    • image
  • services

    • service_name
    • service_image
    • service_price
    • service_description
    • service_category
    • service_by_gender
  • Slots

    • id
    • start time
    • end time
    • stylistId
    • available
    • slotId
  • appointments

    • stylerid
    • userID
    • serviceId
    • date,
    • time,
    • service_name,
    • service_des,
    • styler_name

API Endpoints


  • Male Services

      GET    -   /services/male 
      POST   -   /services/male/addMaleService
      PATCH  -   /services/male/update/:id
      DELETE -   /services/male/delete/:id
  • Female Services

      GET    -   /services/female 
      GET    -   /services/female/female/:id 
      POST   -   /services/female/addFemaleService
      PATCH  -   /services/female/update/:id
      DELETE -   /services/female/delete/:id


  • Stylers

      GET    -   /stylist/styler 
      POST   -   /stylist/styler/addStylistService
      PATCH  -   /stylist/styler/update/:id
      DELETE -   /stylist/styler/delete/:id


  • Appointment

      GET    -   /appointments/appointment
      POST   -   /appointments/appointment/add
      PATCH  -   /appointments/appointment/update/:id
      DELETE -   /appointments/appointment/delete/:id


  • we can give home services

snips spikes drawio (1)


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