Tugas besar mata kuliah Pengenalan Komputasi Institut Teknologi Bandung. Project berupa website eccomerce buku. Dapat di akses pada https://tubes-eccomerce.herokuapp.com/
Update(October 26): heroku sudah tidak gratis lagi, jadi silahkan ikuti instruksi di bawah saja
Run the following command to get started. Just copy, paste, execure these commands. The local website is usually If you just copy paste these commands, don't forget to execute the latest line.
git clone https://github.com/DhafinFawwaz/Project-Book-Django.git
cd ./Project-Book-Django
py -m venv venv
py -m pip install Django
py -m pip install Pillow
cd ./ProjectBook
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
py manage.py runserver
Run following command to run the server locally
cd ./ProjectBook
py manage.py runserver