Welcome to the repository for our Object-Oriented Programming (IF2211) course project at Institut Teknologi Bandung. This project showcases our skills in building a CLI / GUI game that simulates the roles of a farmer, rancher, and mayor.
To run this project smoothly, ensure that your device has a UNIX environment. For Windows users, you'll need to utilize Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL) to run the project.
βKEEP IN MINDβ that all of the following script should be run in an UNIX Environment.
For the initial setup, execute the following command to install necessary dependencies:
sudo apt install gcc make cmake qtbase5-dev
For setting up the Graphical User Interface and Unit Tests, execute:
chmod 0700 /run/user/1000/
make initbuild
To build and run the program, use the following command:
If you prefer only to build the program in CLI mode, run:
make buildcli
To directly run the program in CLI mode, use:
make runcli
For building the program in GUI mode, use:
make buildgui
Finally, to run the program in GUI mode, execute:
make rungui
You can also run the program in CLI mode without building it.
You can also run the program in GUI mode without building it. Its also possible to just run it without installing dependency
After any file modifications, rebuild the tests with:
make buildtest
To run the unit tests, execute:
make runtest
Appearance in order of ascending NIM:
Contributors | NIM |
Raden Rafly Hanggaraksa Budiarto | 13522014 |
Moh Fairuz Alauddin Yahya | 13522057 |
Nyoman Ganadipa Narayana | 13522066 |
Dhafin Fawwaz Ikramullah | 13522084 |
Rayhan Fadhlan Azka | 13522095 |