List of Practicals:
- Write a python program to handle the “Numpy” and “Matplotlib” library.
- Write a python program to plot 2D & 3D Gaussian distribution curve using probability of likelihood formula.
- Write a python program for Linear Regression Modeling.
- Write a python program for implementation of Baye's Theorem.
- Write a python program to implement discriminant function and decision boundary.
- Write a python program to implement Naïve Bayes Classifier.
- Write a python program to plot Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves.
- Write a python program for Multivariate Regression Modeling.
- Write a python program for Linear Regression using Gradient Descent algorithm.
- Write a python program to implement Parzen Window Density estimation for any randomly generated signal.
- Write a python program for implementation of k-nearest neighbor algorithm.