Problem Statement 2 :

AI Chat-based Career Counseling Application

Career mantri is an AI based chatbot with many unique features such as one to one mentoring session with mentors, Resume Scanner, Opportunity Notifications related to interested domain and Counseller application Dashboard.


In the dynamic landscape of education, students in secondary and higher secondary levels often face challenges in making informed career choices. Traditional career counseling methods may not always be readily accessible or personalized. The challenge is to develop an AI Chat-based application that serves as an interactive and intelligent platform for guiding students through their career exploration and decision-making process.

Problem we have solved

  • Limited Access to Personalized Counseling: Many students lack access to personalized career counseling due to constraints like limited availability of counselors and resources.

  • Complexity of Career Choices: The modern job market is diverse and dynamic, making it challenging for students to navigate and understand the plethora of career options available to them.

  • Inadequate Information: Students may not have sufficient information about various career paths, educational requirements, and industry trends, hindering their ability to make informed decisions.


The primary goal of this challenge is to design and implement an AI Chat-based application that can provide personalized and insightful career counseling to secondary and higher secondary students. The application should aim to empower students with the knowledge and guidance needed to make informed decisions about their educational and career paths.

Functional Requirements

  1. User-friendly Interface:

    • Design an intuitive and user-friendly chat interface that appeals to students.
  2. Personalized Career Guidance:

    • Implement AI algorithms to analyze individual student profiles and provide tailored career recommendations based on their interests, skills, and aspirations.
  3. Comprehensive Information:

    • Integrate a vast database of information on various careers, educational pathways, and industry trends to offer comprehensive insights.
  4. Educational Pathways:

    • Provide guidance on suitable educational pathways, including college courses, certifications, and vocational training.
  5. Skill Development Recommendations:

    • Suggest skill development opportunities and resources to help students prepare for their chosen career paths with the help of email and sms related to their interest in a particular domain.
  6. Progress Tracking:

    • Implement features to track students' progress, allowing for continuous guidance and adjustments as they explore and develop their career goals.

Unique Features:

  1. Opportunity Notifications

    • provide email and sms alert to the students for different opportunities related to their domain
  2. Resume Scan

    • We have build our own resume scan model to fetch and extract user information
  3. Counseller application Dashboard

  4. In-Person Counselling

  5. Test Your Skills

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • React.js, CSS ,JavaScript.
  • Backend:

    • Flask (Python).
    • Email kit
  • Database

    • MongoDB
  • Chatbot Integration:

    • Dialogflow, Bot Framework.

How to Run

  1. Install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Run the Flask backend.
  3. Run the React frontend.


Screenshot (159)