
This example demonstrates to perform a formula calculation with values and variables using CalcQuickBase.

Primary LanguageC#

Perform formulas calculation with variables and values using CalcQuickBase

About the sample

This example will explain how to store the values with variable name and perform the calculation using expressions and built-in functions.

The below code explain how to store the values with variable name using CalcQuickBase.

CalcQuickBase calcQuick = new CalcQuickBase();

calcQuick["A"] = "5";
calcQuick["B"] = "6";
calcQuick["C"] = "11";

Now compute with any expressions or built-in functions with these variables.

//Computing expressions,
calcQuick["result"] = "=([A]+[B])/[C]";

//Computing In-Built formulas,
calcQuick["result1"] = "=SUM([A],[B])";

The output of expressions and functions calculation,