🥳 Really simple Electron
+ Vue
+ Vite
📦 Out of the box
🎯 Based on the official vue-ts template, less invasive
🌱 Extensible, really simple directory structure
💪 Support using Node.js API in Electron-Renderer
🔩 Support C/C++ native addons
🖥 It's easy to implement multiple windows
npm create electron-vite
+ ├─┬ electron
+ │ ├─┬ main
+ │ │ └── index.ts entry of Electron-Main
+ │ └─┬ preload
+ │ └── index.ts entry of Preload-Scripts
├─┬ src
│ └── main.ts entry of Electron-Renderer
├── index.html
├── package.json
└── vite.config.ts
By default, this template integrates Node.js in the Renderer process. If you don't need it, you just remove the option below. Because it will modify the default config of Vite.
# vite.config.ts
- renderer: {}
- dependencies vs devDependencies
- Using C/C++ native addons in Electron-Renderer
- Node.js ESM packages (e.g.