
This API calculate the fare between two locations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flight-booking(Aegis Covent)

The Work Flow of this Flight Booking will look like this :


Demonstration (POSTMAN)

User Roles:

1.User first Sign-up


After the user signup their info is saved in DataBase and token is generated which get stored using browser Cookies


2. Login by user


Same as signup the token will get stored in the form of cookie.

3. Flight Booking/Pricing Info

As soon as user hit the Booking route provided with Source, Destination and Date all the Information related to Airport and Flight fare will be shown like this:

The route is procted with isLoggedIn middleware

booking-details The Complete Info will Look like this

    "bookingBy": "Admin",
    "email": "admin@gmail.com",
    "dateOfBooking": "2023/08/15",
    "airportDetails": {
        "source": {
            "iata": "JAI",
            "name": "Jaipur International Airport",
            "city": "Jaipur"
        "destination": {
            "iata": "MAA",
            "name": "Chennai International Airport",
            "city": "Chennai"
    "fareDetails": [
            "name": "Indigo Airline",
            "ICAO": "IGO",
            "cost": 26866
            "name": "AirAsia",
            "ICAO": "IAD",
            "cost": 30080
            "name": "Akasa",
            "ICAO": "AKJ",
            "cost": 33135

The Price will get determined on the bases of Date of Booking If the user book within 48 hours from current time then the Price will be Extermely High If the user book within 1 Week form current time then the Price will be Moderate For rest of the condition the Price will be LOW


The Admin account creation is same as user but the role will be marked as admin

Routes of admin is procted with customeRole("admin") middleware

1.Admin adding Airline


Here the admin setting up the Name, 3-word-letter-code of Airline and cost of airline based on per-kilometer

2. Admin updating Airline cost

Admin can update cost based on the change required.

3. Admin removing Airline


4. Admin displaying all Airline info


5. Admin displaying all the users
