
List of interview preparation questions for frontend interviews.

Frontend Interview Preperation Guide

I created this repo to help engineers with their preparation for frontend interviews. Feel free to star/fork it for future reference.

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Feel free to raise PRs to enrich this repo with more questions (Don't forget to add placeholder for answer as well). Also most of the answers are yet to be added. Feel free to add them as well.


No. Questions
1 What is CORS? How does it work in browsers? What is preflight request
2 Why do we need Redux? Why can't same thing be done by a global state?
3 Explain how does virtual DOM works exactly?
4 What happens when you enter a URL in the browser?
5 Apart from the task queue, what other queues are there in browser?
6 If we define a class in JS using arrow functions and without using class keyword, would it work?
7 Describe ES6 features and properties
8 How does virtual DOM works in React? Talk about React Fibre, the reconciliation algorithm of react.
9 What is event loop and how does it work?
10 Difference between state and props
11 Why we need key in react lists? What happens if we provide the index as the key ?
12 How to improve performance of a web app
13 What are controlled and uncontrolled inputs in React ?
14 What is a closure? How can it be used ?
15 Why do we need redux? Why can't we just use a global state?
16 Event Propogation and Event bubbling?
17 Difference between debouncing and throttling?
18 Difference between call, apply and bind?
19 What is async and await. What does a async function return?
20 What is a Higher Order Component ? Give example and explain the use cases where it should be used.
21 How to deep clone a object in javascript ?
22 Implement a singleton class in Javascript.
23 Lifecycle hooks of react with use of each hook?
24 Does react component only update on state change or also on prop change ?
25 How to start a new Angular project from cli ?
  1. What is CORS? How does it work in browsers? What is preflight request

    Answer To be added
  2. Why do we need Redux? Why can't same thing be done by a global state?

    Answer To be added
  3. Explain how does virtual DOM works exactly

    Answer To be added
  4. What happens when you enter a URL in the browser?

    Answer To be added
  5. Apart from the task queue, what other queues are there in browser?

    2, Render queue and microtask queue - for resolving promises.They do have a priority as well.
  6. If we define a class in JS using arrow functions and without using class keyword, would it work?

    Answer To be added
  7. Describe ES6 features and properties.

    Answer To be added
  8. How does virtual DOM works in React? Talk about React Fibre, the reconciliation algorithm of react.

    Answer To be added
  9. What is event loop and how does it work?

    For solution, refer to below links. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCOL7MC4Pl0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ
  10. Difference between state and props

    Answer To be added
  11. Why we need key in react lists? What happens if we provide the index as the key ?

    Answer To be added
  12. How to improve performance of a web app

    Answer To be added
  13. What are controlled and uncontrolled inputs in React ?

    Answer To be added
  14. What is a closure? How can it be used ?

    Answer To be added
  15. Why do we need redux? Why can't we just use a global state?

    Answer To be added
  16. Event Propogation and Event bubbling?

    Answer To be added
  17. Difference between debouncing and throttling?

    Answer To be added
  18. Difference between call, apply and bind?

    Answer To be added
  19. What is async and await. What does a async function return?

    Answer To be added
  20. What is a Higher Order Component ? Give example and explain the use cases where it should be used.

    Answer To be added
  21. How to deep clone a object in javascript ?

    Answer To be added
  22. Implement a singleton class in Javascript.

    Answer To be added
  23. Lifecycle hooks of react with use of each hook?

    Answer To be added
  24. Does react component only update on state change or also on prop change ?

    Answer To be added
  25. How to start a new Angular project from cli ?

    Answer To be added

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