
An e commerce web application for purchase health and wellness products online. Backend follows microservice architecture using spring boot along with mongo db. Front end is currently in progress using react js.

Primary LanguageJava

🌟 PURELY - E commerce web application 🌟

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📍 Microservice architecture diagram

Screenshot 2024-05-19 161125

📍 Description

  • Developed an e-commerce web application, a platform dedicated to health and wellness products using Microservice architecture pattern.

  • Implemented secure authentication and authorization functionalities using Spring Security and JWT. Integrated email verification during sign-up.

  • Designed an intuitive interface allowing users to easily search and browse products, manage shopping carts, update quantities, and proceed through checkout.

  • Enabled users to view order history and status, coupled with automated order confirmation emails.

  • Offered users to pay upon delivery.

  • Implemented backend admin functionalities for operations on users, categories, products and orders. Front end admin work is currently in progress.

  • Backend is decomposed into several small microservices. All of them are independently deployable applications.

🚀 Service Registry

The Service Registry serves as a centralized repository for storing information about all the available services in the microservices architecture.

This includes details such as IP addresses, port numbers, and other metadata required for communication.

As services start, stop, or scale up/down dynamically in response to changing demand, they update their registration information in the Service Registry accordingly.

🚀 API Gateway

The API gateway acts as a centralized entry point for clients, providing a unified interface to access the microservices.

API gateway acts as the traffic cop of our microservices architecture. It routes incoming requests to the appropriate microservice, or instance based on predefined rules or configurations.

🚀 Auth Service

The Auth Service is responsible for securely verifying user identities and facilitating token-based authentication.

HTTP Method Route Path Parameters Description
Static Badge /auth/signin - User login
Static Badge /auth/signup - User registration
Static Badge /auth/signup/verify code Validate registration one time password code
Static Badge /auth/isValidToken token Validate json web token

🚀 Category Service

The Category Service provides centralized data management and operations for product categories.

HTTP Method Route Path Parameters Description Authentication Role
Static Badge /admin/category/create - Create new category Yes Admin
Static Badge /admin/category/edit categoryId Edit existing category Yes Admin
Static Badge /admin/category/delete categoryId Delete existing category Yes Admin
Static Badge /category/get/all - Get all categories No Admin/User/Non user
Static Badge /category/get/byId categoryId Get category by id No Admin/User/Non user

🚀 Product Service

The Product Service provides centralized data management and operations for available products.

HTTP Method Route Path Parameters Description Authentication Role (Admin/User)
Static Badge /admin/product/add - Create new product Yes Admin
Static Badge /admin/product/edit productId Edit existing product Yes Admin
Static Badge /product/get/all - Get all products No Admin/User/Non user
Static Badge /product/get/byId productId Get product by id No Admin/User/Non user
Static Badge /product/get/byCategory categoryId Get product by category No Admin/User/Non user
Static Badge /product/search searchKey Search products by key No Admin/User/Non user

🚀 Cart Service

The Cart Service provides centralized data management and operations for user carts.

HTTP Method Route Path Parameter Description Authentication Role (Admin/User)
Static Badge /cart/add - Add item to cart, update quantity Yes User
Static Badge /cart/get/byUser - Get cart details by user Yes User
Static Badge /cart/get/byId cartId Get cart details by cart id Yes User
Static Badge /cart/remove productId Remove an item from the cart Yes User
Static Badge /cart/clear/byId cartId Remove all the items from the cart Yes User

🚀 Order Service

The Order Service provides centralized data management and operations for orders.

HTTP Method Route Path Parameter Description Authentication Role (Admin/User)
Static Badge /order/create - Place an order Yes User
Static Badge /order/get/byUser - Get orders by user Yes User
Static Badge /order/get/all - Get all orders Yes Admin
Static Badge /order/cancel orderId Cancel the order Yes User

🚀 Notification Service

The Notification Service provides centralized operations for send emails to user.

HTTP Method Route Path Description
Static Badge /notification/send Send email

🚀 Communication between services

OpenFeign, a declarative HTTP client library for Java is used to simplify the process of making HTTP requests to other microservices.

📍 Screenshots

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