
Primary LanguageFortran

AVL and its plot library should compile on any Unix system 
with normal Fortran-77, C, and X-Windows support. 

Build sequence

1) Build the plot library in  ./plotlib  ...

 % cd plotlib
 % make (displays current make options for system (gfortran,ifort,mingw)
 % make (system)          (creates libPlt.a)

 Or if that does not work...
 % edit Makefile and config.make for your system (set compiler flags for your system)
 % make                   (creates libPlt.a)

2) Build Eispack library in ./eispack  ...

 % cd eispack
 % make -f Makefile.xxx   (where xxx is gfortran, ifort or mingw)

 Or if that does not work...
 % edit Makefile.xxx  (set compiler flags for your system)
 % make           (creates eispack.a)

3) Build AVL in ./bin  ...
 % cd bin
 % make -f Makefile.xxx avl   (where xxx is gfortran, ifort or mingw)

 Or if that does not work...
 % edit Makefile.xxx and save as Makefile  (set compiler flags for your system)
 % make avl

The executable will appear in the bin/ directory.

User Guide is in the  avl_doc.txt  file.  If impatient, you can just
run AVL in the runs/ directory, which contains a few input files:

 % cd runs
 % ../bin/avl vanilla

The files  session1.txt, session2.txt  contain keyboard input examples.

Graphic Notes for X-windows 
The plot library for X-windows does not refresh the plot windows on expose 
events (i.e. when the window is covered and then uncovered).  Proper operation
assumes that the optional X backing store is enabled.  It is not always turned
on in current (Linux, typically) X installations.  The backing store can be 
enabled by adding a line to your X configuration file (typically found in 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf).  The line should be added to the Device Section and looks
like this:
   Option "BackingStore" "True"

This shows the Device section from my xorg.conf file with the backing store 
enabled.  Note that you will have your own Identifier and Driver lines, 
just add the Option line.

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Miserable Old SVGA"
    Driver      "miserable"
    Option	"BackingStore"	"True"

You probably need to restart the X server before this works (try just logging 
out or rebooting).

Notes for Windows 
AVL can be built for Windows using either the MinGW tools or the Intel fortran
and Microsoft C compiler.  Further details on this are found in notes in the
misc directory.