
It is simple, light weight and easily manageable scrollable tab bar. It can be used as fixed top bar as well. It will work on both landscape and portrait mode. -> Swift 5.0.

Primary LanguageSwift



It is simple, light weight and easily manageable scrollable tab bar. It can be used as fixed top bar as well. For using it you have to pass just array of titles and type of tabbar design. It will work on both landscape and portrait mode. -> Swift 5.0.

The tabbar design is set for mainly these three attributes. You can choose one attribute from them.

  • First - dynamic size scrollable tabbar. In this all items(buttons) in the tabbar will be set with the intrinsic label size of the button and given pading value. Pading is for spacing on the left and right side of the title of the button.
  • Second - max title width size tabbar. In this all items(buttons) in the tabbar will be set as per the maximum button titles size and given pading value.
  • Third - Fixed tabbar frame size. In this the size of the tabbar view will be fix with the given constraints. So the tabbar will not be scrollable because the view will be fixed.

App Functionality

Layer structure

Layer structure


For managing the design just pass the attributes. The attributes are as follows..

var arrButtonTitles = [String]()                 // Pass array of button titles
var btnColor: UIColor?                           // Button's background color
var stripColor: UIColor?                         // Strip background color
var btnTextColor: UIColor?                       // Button's text color
var stripHeight: CGFloat = 0.0                   // Strip's height
var btnFont = UIFont()                           // Font type for the button
var setPading: CGFloat = 0.0                     // Pading (Left-Right insets) for the button title
var setBoarderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0               // Border width for the button
var setBoarderColor: UIColor?                    // Border color for the button
var setByMaxButtonTitle = false                  // Set fix width for the button
var fitToTheScreenWidth = false                  // Set scrollview content fit to the screen size and devide equally


It could be used in project as follows.

//Take a UIView object in story board. Set subclass DTTabBarView to it.
//Then take outlet.
 @IBOutlet var tabBarView: DTTabBarView!
 //Assign delegate 
 tabBarView.delegate = self
 //Take object of attributes for the content of the tabbar
 let objAttributes = DTButtonViewAttributes()
 //Set attributes
    objAttributes.arrButtonTitles = ["Apple", "Banana", "Graps", "Watermelon"]
    objAttributes.btnColor = UIColor.darkGray
    objAttributes.btnFont = UIFont(name: "Arial Rounded MT Bold", size: 15) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
    objAttributes.stripColor = UIColor(white: 0.8, alpha: 1.0)
    objAttributes.btnTextColor = UIColor.white
    objAttributes.setBoarderColor = UIColor.black
    objAttributes.setBoarderWidth = 0.3
    objAttributes.setPading = 15
    objAttributes.fitToTheScreenWidth = false
    objAttributes.setByMaxButtonTitle = false
    objAttributes.stripHeight = 5
  //Assign attributes object to the tabbar view
  tabbarView.objAttributes = objAttributes

You can change any attributes or add items at the run time bu the following code.


DTTabBarViewDelegate is used for getting the button action event in the view controller.

    protocol DTTabBarViewDelegate {
       func tabbarButtonClicked(button: UIButton)

In the view controller..

    func tabbarButtonClicked(button: UIButton) {
         print(button.titleLabel?.text ?? "")