
Created Clone of India's Largest e-PharmEasy Company. Features Like. Filer Product , Add to Cart, Checkout Etc

Primary LanguageHTML

PharmEasy Clone

This Project is Part of Challange which has held by Masai.

Tech Stack that are Allowed to be used / Html, JS, CSS


  • All data is Obj based;
  • Login / Register Defaut password 1234 , Name Team Titan
  • Coupon Page with Filter
  • Filter By Catogery
  • Add to cart
  • Increarse / Decrease Qty in Cart
  • Delete Product From cart
  • CheckOut Product/ Only When User Login Otherwise it ask to login First
  • Apply Coupon At Checkout Page
  • Pay By Difffrent Method UPI, Paytm , Amazon Pay , Wallet, CC/Debit.
  • Purchase will show in My Order Section;

Note - All the data purchase addtocart etc data is stored usg Local Storage only.

Netlify Link
