
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Air Ticket Booking System

User end points;

  1. POST: /user/register This end point takes name, email, and password in the form of String form body and return back a successfull message.

  2. POST: /user/login This end point takes two Strings email and password form req.body

Flight end point;

  1. GET: /flight/flights/ This will give all the available flights

  2. GET: /flight/flights/:id This will give data of a specific flight

  3. POST: /flight/flights/ This route will create a new flight data, formate of the data should be like give below object

 airline: String,
 flightNo: String,
 departure: String,
 arrival: String,
 departureTime: Date,
 arrivalTime: Date,
 seats: Number,
 price: Number,

Pass this from req.body and it returns back a success message that flight created successfully

  1. PATCH: /flight/flights/:id This route will take id from params and updated object from req.body of that specific flight, which the user wants to update

  2. DELETE: /flight/flights/:id This route will take id from params of that specific flight, which the user wants to delet

Booking end points

  1. POST: /booking This route will take userId and flightId that you want to booking and returns back a success message;

  2. GET: /booking/dashboard This route will give all the booking datas of users to the response;