
work in progress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hey there! Welcome to yogAI, developed in 2020 by Cristina Maillo.

I created yogAI inspired by various Machine Learning models for visual recognition I experimented with during my internship. This is my first Machine Learning model and my first attempt at Web Development. I have loved (almost) every second of this project and I have learnt more than I could have imagined.
YogAI uses Pose.Net, developed by Google’s TensorFlow, and ml5.js, a JavaScript library for Machine Learning on the browser. Most of my learning was following The Coding Train’s YouTube playlist on Pose Estimation.

Link to website: yogAI


Icons used:

Icons made by monkik from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Vitaly Gorbachev from www.flaticon.com
Blobs made using Blob Maker