I'm Dhiman Seal, 👋 Welcome to my Comfort Zone

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Computer Vision Hand Gesture based Controller

I have a Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering 🔌📶 from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Silchar 🎓 and I am currently working as a Software Engineer 2 at Groww! 📉💹📈

I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades, and a master of whatever I need to be, whether it be anything from IoT 🤖 or Application Development 👨‍💻, or Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence 🧠, or just random factoids about Game Theory 📊📈. I aim to help come up with scalable solutions to problems and work with teams that build industry-changing technology. I also love to guide and teach in fields I am confident in. 👨‍🏫

Reach out to me directly on LinkedIn or Twitter. 💬💬💬

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Current Targets

  1. Getting better at building optimised and scalable solutions that can handle changing requirements.
  2. Freelancing in the IoT and Application Development space.
  3. Learning Flutter and creating fun Cross-Platform applications and Packages.
  4. Contributing to Open Source.
  5. Learning all kinds of technologies on the side.
SafeSync IoT Dashboard: A full-fledged Employee Management and Workspace Health and Safety ensuring Solution InfrAwake: IoT Driver Safety Solution
A brute force-ish Automatic Snake Game Algorithm 3D Electrostatics Simulator

Personal Work and Growth

  • 🛠   Currently conquering IoT development and Innovation Challenges all over the country with my team, Eminence Robotics.
  • 🚀   Developing Cross Platform Applications for myself and my clients.
  • 👨🏻‍💻   Many of my projects are available on Github.
  • 💬   Ask me about anything here! I am happy to help.
  • 📫   Contact me at: furyx.ds@gmail.com
  • 📝   Checkout my Resume.

Languages and Tools

cpp python javascript flutter sql java Arduino ESPressif Boards Raspberry Pi NodeJS
Flask Firebase Google Cloud Amazon Web Services tensorflow+keras pytorch MATLAB html5 OpenCV Apache MXNet

Future Targets

  1. Experience leading a team of my own.
  2. Seeing even more how high scale breaks things, and how to stay on top of it.

More Information

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⚙️ My System

  • OS: Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04
  • Laptop: Lenovo L340 Gaming (i7 9th Generation Processor with 8GB RAM)
  • Browser: Firefox, Chrome
  • IDEs: I swear by Jetbrains IDEs and VSCode.

Hoping my work inspires you, or teaches you something new! ❤️