Trustit Assessment Test

Welcome to the Trustit assessment test.

What are you tasks

  1. Clone this project for yourself to work on [DO NOT FORK IT]
  2. Setup JEST to run the already existing test
  3. Write code in the .js files so that the tests execute successfully
  4. Create your own GitHub repository and push code to this one
    1. Please do not have trustit in the name of your project
  5. Prepare GitHub CI so that the tests are executed when commits are pushed to GitHub
  6. BONUS: Add general stuff you feel each JS project should have

What is contained in this project

  1. In the src folder you find
    1. JS files that are empty, and you should fill them in a way that the corresponding test succeed [src/*.js]
    2. Test that should be executed when JEST is set up (see your tasks above) [src/*.test.js]

How to deliver your test back to trustit

  1. Respond to the message that we sent you with the test. Include:
    1. Link to your GitHub repository
    2. Any text you want to give us on the way of checking you result