


In the file .env value of constant DATABASE_URL replace with correct values:

  • "mysql://<username>:<password>@<address>:<port>/<db_name>?serverVersion=<8.0>&charset=utf8mb4"

Install composer & symfony dependencies

Composer Download & Installation

After installation go to project root directory and run:

  • composer install

This will install all needed symfony and third-party libraries & 'bin/console' app so next:

  • php bin/console doctrine:database:create (if database isn't exists)
  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load (if you want to load test data)
  • yarn install to install and compile node libraries
  • yarn encore dev this will build and compile needed assets

Docker version setup steps

Constant DATABASE_URL in the file .env should have a value:

  • "mysql://root:secret@database:3306/therapy_scheme_generator?serverVersion=8.0&charset=utf8mb4"

Folder '.docker' in the root of the project must be available for writing

  • docker-compose up -d --build --remove-orphans
  • docker-compose exec php composer install
  • docker-compose exec php symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • docker-compose exec php symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load (if you want to load test data)

Next steps are on host machine:

  • yarn install
  • yarn dev

Now you can open in browser