
The Project Terranion attempts to understand the concepts of Virtual Reality and the Metaverse. Virtual reality is a computer-generated 3D simulated environment that can be explored by placing the user inside the virtual environment to give an immersive experience. The Metaverse allows people to have real-time interactions and experiences in these simulated environments. This project is a VR experience with some added interactions made using Google Cardboard VR SDK in the Unity game engine which can be experienced using Mobile HMDs.

Primary LanguageC#


The Project Terranion attempts to understand the concepts of Virtual Reality and the Metaverse. Virtual reality is a computer-generated 3D simulated environment that can be explored by placing the user inside the virtual environment to give an immersive experience. The Metaverse allows people to have real-time interactions and experiences in these simulated environments. This project is a VR experience with some added interactions made using Google Cardboard VR SDK in the Unity game engine which can be experienced using Mobile HMDs.