
User Management application - GOQII Fullstack developer test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

User Management App

Fullstack developer test project - GOQII


  • Create, Read, Update and Delete user records
  • Setup with Postgres database

API Endpoints

  • Base URL - http://localhost:3001/api

  • Get user list - GET /users

  • Get particular user record - GET /users/:id

  • Create new user list - POST /users

  • Update existing user - PUT /users/:id

  • Delete user record - DELETE /users/:id


Clone the Repo

$ git clone https://github.com/Dhirajjjj/user_management_app.git
$ cd user-management

Frontend Setup

install the required dependencies

$ cd frontend
$ npm init

(used dependencies)

$ npm install tailwind
$ npm install axios

start project using (optionally using nodemon)

$ npm start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view the app

Backend Setup

The Backend provides a REST API endpoint server to fetch user data using the express app.

install the required dependencies

$ cd backend
$ npm init

(used dependencies)

$ npm install express
$ npm install pg
$ npm install sequelize
$ npm install bcrypt

start project using (optionally using nodemon)

$ npm start

you can test the end-points by hitting http://localhost:3001 using postman

(if using any other $PORT perform necessary changes in middleware for cors)

Database Setup

For database PostgreSQL is used

Download Postgres from here - https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads

Postgres Setup

  • Setup with user and password
  • Run database on post 5432
  • update database variables in backend/config/database

Setup postgres with the provided schema

$ createdb Users
$ psql -f schema.sql Users

(make sure the database is properly setup)

Now you are good to go!

Personal Decisions

This was made in a shortcut kind of way, skipping the understanding of lots of additional features such as

  • who should be able to update records
  • who and how can one create records
  • would updation of records require verified password
  • ability to change passwords

for the simplicity of showcasing the working app with the following technologies and within the respective time.

Packages selection


Axios - for handling network http requestes

Tailwind css - styling library 


sequelize - for object-relational mapping

pg - for interacting with the postgresql database

bcrypt - for hashing the user passwords before storing them in the database

Future Scope

  • Search user record based on name
  • Allow user record update only after verifying password
  • Admin functionality to enable/disable user record


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