

This checks your progress through Hacktoberfest 2018!

The project is very simple and great for beginners. Experienced people are also welcome, of course; afterall, there's always room for improvement.

It uses NodeJS and AWS Lambda. In order to mock AWS Lambda's behaviour, this project uses the framework.

Feel free to create a pull request to help improve this project.

How to run

  1. Navigate to the server directory of the project and run npm install in your command prompt
  2. After node packages is downloaded, then run command npm run local
  3. Navigate to the client directory of the project and open the index.html file in your web browser

Other features

  • If you use Visual Studio Code, just open the directory and hit F5. VSC will start debugging at port 3000.

  • If you are someone who prefers the CLI, run:

$: npm run local -- --port 5000 # optionally on a diffrent port

By default, this starts the server on port 3000. If you prefer to change it you can, by passing --port 3001 and also remember to update the port address in index.js which is in the frontend client folder.

Backend Testing

For unit tests, watch, and coverage, run the following:

npm test
npm test -- --watch
npm test -- --coverage

Currently, coverage is only for server folder.


  • Navigate to the client directory of the project and and run npm install and npm run start:dev

If you want to build a static version of the client, you can run npm run build:prod You can see the page in http://localhost:8080/

Integration Testing

For integration testing, Cypress has been used. Following test cases have been taken care of:

  • When an error occurs, [x] Loader is not visible. [x] A proper error message is displayed.

  • For suggestions of more test cases/scenarios, please update Issue number 31

Instructions to start the Cypress server:

  • Please ensure that your backend server is running using the command npm run local in server directory(refer to 'How to run' section).
  • Also, ensure that the dev server is running in the client directory (refer to 'Frontend' section) - i.e., you are able to access index.html at your localhost:8080

Now, in the root directory, which contains the client and server directories, run the following commands:

  • npm i - (first time only, this installs cypress)
  • npm run cypress - this opens up the cypress application. Click on error_spec.js to run the associated test.


Take a look at the file for any questions that may arise. You're also free to update that file as needed!

Helpful Resources