
An app to display content from moviedb

Primary LanguageKotlin


An android app built using Kotlin to display movies and its details. The movies are dislayed in form of a list that is fetched from the API.

The app consits of three major screens/activities :

  • Upcoming Movies
  • Popular Movies
  • Top-rated Movies

Each particular screen has 10 – 20 movies with an image/poster, title, genres and a brief overview. The movies are arranged in the form of a responsive grid.

Functioning of the app -

The landing page of the app has a 'drop-down' menu where the user selects the type of movie he/she wants to view the details about.

  • The Upcoming movies : this section lists down all the movies that are going to get released and shows the release date.

  • The Popular movies : this section lists down all the movies according to the popularity of the movies in the moviedb.

  • The Top-rated movies : this section lists down all the movies according to the vote count and vote average.

The list in every section is sorted according to the release dates, populairty and vote count respectively and is fetched from the API accordingly.

  • Movie Detail Screen : Then if the user clicks on the movie item he/she is redirected to the movie detail screen which shows all the details of the movie like : language, title, overview, origin_country, budget, revenue etc. Then there is a button at the end of the screen which links the user to the homepage of the movie.

Built using -

BASE-URL = https://api.themoviedb.org/3/

IMAGE BASE-URL = https://image.tmdb.org/

Concepts used -

  • Material Design concepts
  • Contraint and Linear Layouts
  • RecyclerView : to list the movies
  • viewBinding
  • MVVM architecture : using viewModels and LiveData
  • Retrofit Library : to fetch data from the movieDB api.
  • Glide Library : to display images from the api.


What next?

  • Updating the app by using fragments instead of activities.
  • Updating the UI of the app. Using a tablayout instead of the 'drop-down' menu.
  • Implementing a searching functionality by having a search bar to search among the list of the movies.
  • Use dependency injection to make app more stable.