EtherLite is a cryptocurrency wallet developed from scratch, without the use of any external libraries. It provides a robust and user-friendly interface for managing Ethereum transactions and accounts.
- Ability to create and import existing wallets using private keys or mnemonic phrases.
- Secure storage of passwords using the local storage and secure encryption mechanisms.
- Implemented node and data retrieval functions for Ethereum interaction.
- Key pair generation and address derivation from public keys.
- Mnemonic generation using BIP-39 standards.
- Raw transaction creation, signing, and sending executed manually without using external libraries.
- Functions for managing account nonces and estimating gas requirements.
- Developed a main wallet interface, including:
- Transaction creation and confirmation modals.
- Portfolio screen displaying live balance tracking.
- Network selection dropdown to switch between Ethereum networks seamlessly.
- Modals for sending and receiving transactions, with clipboard copy functionality for addresses.
- Custom RPC URL input for additional network management.
- React, Material UI, Framer Motion, and other libraries.
- BIP-39 for mnemonic generation.
- Low-level crypto libraries like Ethereumjs-util.
- Custom implementations for:
- Key pair generation.
- Transaction signing.
- ETH Sepolia
- ETH Arbitrum Sepolia
- Polygon zkEVM
- Polygon amoy
- ETH Holesky
- Powered by Alchemy.