
AI project - Image Captioning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An App that generates instant captions for pictures uploaded by the user.

Tech Stack Used And Description

  • Tech Stack:

    • The app has been developed using Flutter in Dart programming language.
    • Firebase and Firestore have been used to allow the use of database for storing images.
    • LSTM model used for generating captions.
    • Python
    • Flask
    • Keras
    • Heroku
    • Adobe XD
  • Description:

    • This app has been created from scratch (NO PREVIOUS WORK WAS DONE ON THIS PROJECT).
    • This app allows users to upload a picture and generate a caption describing the picture.


  • [✔] Landing Page
  • [✔] Page to upload image
  • [✔] Page showing image with generated caption

User Interface



Dhruv Singh

GitHub LinkedIn

Brajesh Kumar Roy

GitHub LinkedIn

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