
Prolog Project

Primary LanguageProlog


Prolog Project

How to run it?

  • run goTest.pl file
Character Variable used
L List of ints
R Product of elements of L
U Number of cells with openings up
D Number of cells with openings down

In prod(L,R), R=1 if L=[]

fill(N,X,R) which denotes that a list containing N copies of X.

genN(N,R) in N = non zero positive integer, and R = integer values between 0 and N - 1.

genXY(2,R). then R = [0,0], R = [0,1], R= [1,0], R=[1,1].

solve. True if maze is solvable, fails otherwise.

findDistance(L) where L is list of coordinates of cells at distance D from maze start.

cell(X,Y,Z,Weight) where X and Y are cell position, Z denotes any one side from u,d,l and r (where u=up, d=down, l=left, r=right) is open. Weight denotes the fact indicating the allowed weight granted for that direction.

path(N,Sx,Sy,Dir) where N is size of maze square(i.e. 4x4, 5x5).