
Social Media Backend using REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project implements a comprehensive RESTful API built with Node.js (backend server), ExpressJS (web framework), and MongoDB (NoSQL database). It offers a rich set of functionalities for user management, data interaction, and social networking capabilities (details about functionalities are included in the Core Functionalities section below).

Core Functionalities

  1. User Authentication:

    • Secure user signup, login, and logout for platform access control.
  2. Post Management:

    • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for posts, empowering users to:
      • Create posts with captions and image URLs.
      • Edit and delete posts, with ownership checks for security.
  3. Comment System:

    • Allows users to add, update, and delete comments on posts.
    • Implements access control for comment editing/deletion (post owner or commenter).
  4. Like Functionality:

    • Creates a like system for posts, seamlessly integrating with MongoDB.
    • Populates documents and displays like counts to enhance user engagement.
  5. Friendship Features:

    • Users can send, accept, reject, and cancel friend requests.
    • Enables management of friend lists and pending requests.
  6. User Profile Updates:

    • Users can modify their profiles with essential fields for personalization (e.g., name, gender).
  7. OTP-Based Password Reset:

    • Strengthens security by enabling password resets using One-Time Passwords (OTPs) sent via email.


  1. Clone the GitHub repository.
  2. Update the .env file with appropriate configurations for:
    • Database connection details
    • JWT Secret Key
    • Email configurations (e.g., email server credentials)
  3. Run npm install to install project dependencies.
  4. Refer to the Routes file for API endpoints and use a tool like Postman to test them.
  5. For routes requiring user authentication, generate a token through the login functionality and include it in the headers column of your request (as an authorization header).