
A Domoticz plugin to work with Gammu and Sim808

Primary LanguagePython


A Domoticz plugin to work with Gammu and Sim808

Goal :

  • Configure Gammu with specific port, SIM, etc...
  • Check network connectivity, received SMS
  • Command the Home Automation server
  • [LATER] Bridge to RaspiSMS

Concept :

  • Reconfigure the Gammu config file /home/pi/.gammurc with (Baudrate, Default number)
  • Declare authorized phone numbers for SMS Control
  • Makes use of a send_sms.sh, and call.sh scripts to prevent gammu process collision
  • The heartbeat will check received SMS and Network connectivity (may be conflicting with RaspiSMS for SMS webhooks)
  • Notification based on priority. Prioriy High will be sent by SMS to the 1st user in list. Priority Emergency will be sent to everyone.





Requirements :

  • Gammu must be installed and the config file created with the right permission for modifications
  • GSM module must be wired to an UART
  • Python 3.5+ with packages : psutil, shutil, pyserial, re, unidecode, requests ll SMS.sh script


See Using_Python_plugins

  1. Clone this repository into domoticz/plugins

cd domoticz/plugins

git clone https://github.com/Di-Ny/Gammu2DomoticzBridge

  1. Restart Domoticz
  2. Domoticz > Settings : "Accept new Hardware Devices" (it will create 4 new devices)
  3. Domoticz > Hardware > Find in the list "GammuDz".
  4. Fill in the parameters
  5. Click "Add"

The created devices: SMS_Command


  • Use the Domoticz Transport Object instead of pyserial
  • Install Gammu and the required libraries of not already installed
  • Auto insta