
Domoticz plugin : a connector to easily configure a LoRa Packet Forwarder to Domoticz

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LoRa Packet Forwarder - Domoticz Configurator

A simple Domoticz plugin to easily configure a LoRa Packet Forwarder from Domoticz

It requires an Orange Pi with Domoticz, Semtech LoRa module, and the LoRa Packet Forwarder (thanks to his great work).

I guess it is not very complicated to adapt to a Raspberry Pi and another Packet Forwarder.



Goal :

  • Start and configure the LoRa Packet Forwarder on Orange Pi
  • Allow differents Semtech chips soldered on the box

Concept :

  • Reconfigure the Packet forwarder for it's own LoRa devices and region (change SF, BW, frequency)
  • Editing the settings will kill the LoRaPktFwrd process
  • Restart the process, decode the gateway ID and the update the variable
  • The heartbeat will chek that the process is still running, and if not try to restart it
  • If a wrong config is put, the plugin will revert to the previous working config file




Requirements :

  • Install LoRa Packet Forwarder following this link

  • Create and configure the first instance of the config.json

  • Compile and check "sudo /.LoRaPktFwrd" is working

     The installation tree should be the same as : 
         [USER PATH]=/home/pi/LoRaPacketForwarder (for example) 
                         [USER PATH]/config.json
                         [USER PATH]/Makefile
                         [USER PATH]/LoRaPktFwrd
                         [USER PATH]/...
  • Python 3.5+ with packages : psutil, shutil


See Using_Python_plugins

  1. Clone this repository into domoticz/plugins

cd domoticz/plugins

git clone https://github.com/Di-Ny/LoRaPacketForwarderDomoticzConfigurator

  1. Restart Domoticz
  2. Domoticz > Settings : "Accept new Hardware Devices"
  3. Domoticz > Hardware > Find in the list "LoRa Packet Forwarder".
  4. Fill in the parameters
  5. Click "Add"


  • Waiting to add more parameters to be able to add interface (eth0, ppp0), individual inputs for Coding Rate, Lat, Lon, Alt, mail, ...
  • Can be adapted to different packets forwarder with a bit of work