The official PyTorch implementation of CPMR [CIKM 2023] "CPMR: Context-Aware Incremental Sequential Recommendation with Pseudo-Multi-Task Learning".

Primary LanguagePython


This is the official PyTorch implementation of CPMR from paper "CPMR: Context-Aware Incremental Sequential Recommendation with Pseudo-Multi-Task Learning" accepted by CIKM'23 (Oral).

Alias: "Modeling Context-Aware Temporal Dynamics via Pseudo-Multi-Task Learning"

Link: Arxiv, ACM.



Processed data are stored in /data/core_5/. If you wanna process your own data, please put the data under /data/raw, and check the preprocess scripts /util/preprocess_raw.py and /util/process_data.py.


Please check demo.sh on how to run the project.

For more information about CoPE (CIKM'21), please check the official implementation and my implementation as well.