A collections of mildly sometimes useful scripts and tools that are only applicable for my own use probably
Each script/topic goes inside it's own folder with a README.md Line 1 of the README should be a H1 title of the script/topic Line 3 of the README should be a H2 short description
SD Card Data Mover - Automatically moves photos from my camera SD card to a input photo bin
i3 Wallpaper and Theme Switcher - Switch wallpaper and .Xresources theme file to a given preset
Bus Time - Script to get the next bus from any stop I pick
Starbound Server Scripts - Tools and scripts for managing the Starbound Server
Cmd Context Menu - Adds context menu shortcuts for command prompt, powershell, and Git Bash
RenameDates - No description provided.
Go Path - Adds a context menu shortcut to make a symlink to my Go project folder
PlaylistPieChart - No description provided.
Github Release Count - Small script that counts the total amount of downloads across all releases of a Github repo
Uncommited Checker - Checks for git repos that have uncommited changes in ~/dev/
NATO Converter - Converts a string into it's letters translated to their NATO Phonetic alphabet equivalent.
Shadowplay Tweaks - Tools and Tweaks to help manage my collection of Shadowplay clips
CarMiles - No description provided.
Speaker Enabler - Switches the SONOS controller that my speakers run through to the line in source and 100% volume
NewLectureFolder - No description provided.
Service Status Checker - Bash script to check whether various systemd services are active