
Official repository of the AI Spot initiative at UniGe

AI Spot

The first community of tech enthusiasts at UniGe (from Fall 2021)

AI Spot logo

AI Spot is an upcoming initiative at UniGe for the students, by the students, established with community-driven goals to foster innovation and cultivate a technical society to share, create, and engage like-minded and passionate people.

Our prime objective is to create a network of independent thinkers to help nurture and encourage ground-level discussions to assist our community in being informed technologically and updated with state-of-the-art advancements, with a special emphasis around artificial intelligence. We plan to establish interesting and new ways to empower, explore, and develop a knowledge-first network.

In the coming months we anticipate creating a five-pronged cross-over between:

  1. Students
  2. Industry
  3. Subject matter experts
  4. Specialist groups
  5. Academicians

Our tentative agenda includes two different tracks:

  • Technical activities
    Open to any motivated student enrolled at UniGe (with the possibility of deducting AUK credits), with the aim of learning state-of-the-art technologies for the next generation of intelligent machines;

  • Dissemination
    Open to everyone, with the aim of popularizing hot topics and important news about technologies and AI.

Here is the list of some of the possibile events:

Workshops Film screenings Competitions Interactive media
Reinforcement learning w/ JAX Coded Bias (2020) TEDx-like talks Keynote sessions
Analytics w/ Tableau AlphaGo (2017) Local hackathons Tech podcasts
Mobile-centered ML w/ TFLite on Flutter Iperconnessi (2018) Kaggle challenges Virtual meetups
Open debates Industry fairs
... ... ... ...

Contact the AI Spot team at unige.ai@gmail.com