
Utilities for working with Mask R-CNN, a neural network for object instance segmentation.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Utilities for working with Mask R-CNN, a neural network for object instance segmentation.

The data preparation pipeline to train a model to segment vein instances using Mask R-CNN is as follows:

Labelbox -> ImageSplitter -> ImageDistributer (test vs rest) -> Augmentor -> ImageDistributer (train vs val)-> MaskRCNN

The steps are explained as follows:

  • Use Labelbox to label classes on the image.
  • Export the Labelbox project as JSON.
  • Generate images their single instance masks using the coordinates in the json:
    python -u labelbox_parser.py \
    --labelbox_json_file path/to/labelbox.json \
    --labelbox_class_names "Sulphide/Partial Sulphide" --labelbox_class_names "Pure Quartz Carbonate" \
    --output_dir path/to/labelbox_parser/output \
  • Split the large images and masks from the output above into squares:
    python -u image_splitter.py --input_dir path/to/labebox_parser/output/ --output_dir path/to/image_splitter/output/
  • Separate 5% of images and masks, splitted above, to be used for testing the trained Mask R-CNN model later and remaining 95% for augmentation for training and validation of new model using:
    python -u separate_test_and_augmentation_images.py \
    --labelbox_output_dir path/to/labelbox_parser/output/ \
    --image_splitter_output_dir path/to/image_splitter/output/with_labels_only \
    --output_test_dir path/to/mrcnn/dataset/stage1_test \
    --output_augmentation_dir path/to/output/augmentation_raw \
    --labelbox_class_names "Sulphide/Partial Sulphide" --labelbox_class_names "Pure Quartz Carbonate"
  • Apply augmentation to generate more samples:
    python -u augmentation.py \
    --input_dir path/to/augmentation_raw/ \
    --output_dir path/to/augmenation/output/ \
    --number_of_augmented_images_per_original 20 \
  • Separate 5% of images and masks, augmented above, to be used as validation dataset and the rest 95% as training dataset:
    python -u separate_train_and_val_images.py \
    --input_dir path/to/augmentation/output \
    --output_dir path/to/mrcnn/dataset/ \
    --labelbox_class_names "Sulphide/Partial Sulphide" --labelbox_class_names "Pure Quartz Carbonate"
  • Now the path/to/mrcnn/dataset/ contains stage1_train, val and stage1_test dataset directories which can used in Mask R-CNN training and inference.