
Raspberry Pi Stereo Camera Live Stream

Primary LanguageC


Raspberry Pi Stereo Camera Live Stream

Stereo camera mode requires Raspberry Pi Compute Module as it exposes both CSI ports.

Set up Stereo Camera:

This section is based on the Raspberry Pi Foundation cmio-camera instructions from https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/computemodule/cmio-camera.md Image below copied from Raspberry Pi Foundation. Image of Camera connection

Connect jumper wires:

CD1_SDA  (J6 pin 37)  <--->  GPIO0  (J5 pin 1)
CD1_SCL  (J6 pin 39)  <--->  GPIO1  (J5 pin 3)
CAM1_IO1 (J6 pin 41)  <--->  GPIO4  (J5 pin 9)
CAM1_IO0 (J6 pin 43)  <--->  GPIO5  (J5 pin 11)

CD0_SDA  (J6 pin 45)  <--->  GPIO28 (J6 pin 1)
CD0_SCL  (J6 pin 47)  <--->  GPIO29 (J6 pin 3)
CAM0_IO1 (J6 pin 49)  <--->  GPIO30 (J6 pin 5)
CAM0_IO0 (J6 pin 51)  <--->  GPIO31 (J6 pin 7)

Copy dual-camera device tree blob: scp dt-blob-dualcam-pin4pin5.dtb root@rpi:/boot/dt-blob.bin

Set up Compute Module:

Follow instructions here: http://www.element14.com/community/community/raspberry-pi/raspberry-pi-compute-module/blog/2014/06/26/raspberry-pi-compute-module--getting-started

Install raspi-config if not already installed:


Enable camera:


Install raspicam tools:

http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool/main/r/raspberrypi-firmware/raspberrypi-bootloader_1.20150421-1_armhf.deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool/main/r/raspberrypi-firmware/libraspberrypi0_1.20150421-1_armhf.deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool/main/r/raspberrypi-firmware/libraspberrypi-bin_1.20150421-1_armhf.deb

Mount tmpfs as ramdisk:

Edit file /etc/default/tmpfs RAMTMP=yes

Install node:

wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.17/node-v0.10.17-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz
tar xzf node-v0.10.17-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz --directory /opt

Running the stream server on the Pi:

/opt/node-v0.10.17-linux-arm-pi/bin/node index.js

The web server listens on port 3000. Edit /etc/rc.local to forward port 80 to port 3000.

# Allow HTTP traffic
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# Camera streamer listens on port 3000, forward port 80 there.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --src 0/0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d localhost -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000

Point your web browser to http://rpi

Tuning virtual memory (optional)

echo 300 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs
echo 500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs