Conference Booking


  • The project is using port 8080
  • The project is using H2 database( in memory database)
  • The project is using JPA provider Hibernate
  • The project is using Spring Boot version 3.2.4
  • The project is using Java version 22

How to run

  • Clone the project
  • Run the project using the following command

docker build -t conference-booking .

docker run -p 8080:8080 conference-booking

--- OR WITH MVN ---

mvn spring-boot:run

How to run tests

mvn test

How to use

Create new booking

curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/booking' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "attendees":  7,
  "bookingDate": "2024-07-18",
  "startAt": "1900",
  "endAt": "1930"

Get all available conference-rooms between to times

curl --location ''

Get all conference-rooms

curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/booking'


  • The project is using Lombok to reduce boilerplate code
  • The project is using Spring Data JPA to interact with the database
  • JUnit is used for testing
  • Inner service will throw AppException which will be caught by the CustomExceptionHandler return 400 HTTP response
  • Jakarta will throw MethodArgumentNotValidException which will be caught by the CustomExceptionHandler return 400 HTTP response
  • The project is expecting & saving Military time, which is 24 hours format e.g. 1515 for 3:15 PM which is easier to validate and manipulate
  • Data seeding of the rooms are seeded via CommandLineRunner by class