ResNet is just a simple toolkit that allow you to make Residual Networks in simple way using command line
Options that project support :
- modes
- train
- prediction
- use GPU while training
- number of epochs (iterations)
- batch size
- learning rate
- paths
- train data path
- test data path
- saving path
- predictions_data_path
- loading path
- valid ratio
- resnet version
- pretrained
- layers
there are some functionality let for you to write your on logic on it all collected in file
there are two type of those functionality
* Required
* Optional
- number of classes that the model will classify between the
num_classes = 10
- data loader
def train_test_data_loader(path): """ Function: load each image file with its label Arguments: path -- path of the data dirs Returns: two list image_files, labels -- image_files list contains images files, labels list contains labels for each image """ image_files = [] labels = [] ### Write your logic here ### return image_files, labels
- custom image loader
def custom_image_loader(path): """ Function: load each image file in your way Arguments: path -- path of the image file Returns: image """ image = None ### Write your logic here ### return image
- custom residual block
class CutomBlock(nn.Module): expansion = None def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride=1, downsample=None): super(CutomBlock, self).__init__() def forward(self, X): out = None return out
- training data transformation
train_transforms = transforms.Compose([transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.RandomRotation(10), transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ])
- test data transformation
test_transforms = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(255), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor(), ])
To Run ResNet toolkit and make your Residual model you have to know to tell the ResNet toolkit what you want to do
your should chose one mode of two mode
- train
python --train True
- predict
python --predict True
in train mode you have to define some arguments subset is required and the other is optional
Required Args
- train_data_path -- training data set directory path
--train_data_path "/data/train"
- test_data_path -- testing data set directory path
--test_data_path "/data/test"
- n_epochs -- number of iteration of training process
--n_epochs 30
- learning_rate -- learning rate of training
--learning_rate 0.001
-there are some args that are optional but you should select at least one of them such as- resnet_version
- block
- layers will dict ripe them into Optional Args section
Optional Args
gpu -- if you have cuda gpu and you want to use it while training you just set the argument to True value Ex:
--gpu True
batch_size -- batch size for each updating step Ex:
--batch_size 64
saving_path -- the of file to save the model after training Ex:
--saving_path "models/"
valid_ratio -- if you want to split training data set into train and validation sets just top the ratio between train and validation data set Ex:
--valid_ratio 0.2
resnet_version -- the version of residual network that you want to use such as
- 18
- 34
- 50
- 101
- 152 and there is an extra argument if you chose resnet_version argument that is
- pretrained -- the load the trained weights of the network not only the architecture
--resnet_version 18
--resnet_version 18 --pretrained True
custom_image_loader -- if you write your own logic for loading images and you want to use that logic Ex:
--custom_image_loader True
layers -- if you want to make residual network with specific layers, but there an extra arguments you should select one of them
- block -- choose one of two implemented * BasicBlock * Bottleneck
- custom_block -- if you have implemented your own block and you want to use it
--layers 2 2 3 5 --block BasicBlock
--layers 2 2 3 5 --custom_block True
Required parameters
- loading_path -- path of trained model file
Ex: --loading_path "dir/"
- predictions_data_path -- path of the data set
Ex: --predictions_data_path "/dir1/dir2/file.jpg"
mon, jan 28, 2019