
OSX Error -56

Closed this issue · 9 comments

widd commented

I can start up the miner and accept a few blocks (about 3-5) before receiving this error and having to restart it.

[12/6/12 7:10:54 PM] ERROR: Failed to queue kernel, error -56

What version of OSX? Because it sounds like you're on one that doesn't support OpenCL 1.1

widd commented

OSX Lion 10.7.5

Very strange. What command line args?

widd commented

mining pool host, user, port, and work size (-w 64)

Very strange. Does it happen immediately? Which GPU?

widd commented

It happens after about 5 minutes or so.

ATI Radeon HD 6750M

-56 is CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET.. The only time you see this usually is if you try to use an offset with clEnqueueNDRangeKernel on OpenCL 1.0 (which is why OpenCL 1.0 is no longer supported by DiabloMiner). 10.7 clearly is 1.1.

The only other way for -56 to be returned is if the offset is bigger than 4.2 billion, which I'm pretty sure isn't happening here because this would have been reported by other users (on OSX or any other OS).

I'll have to look into this.

widd commented

For the time being I've setup a small php script that kills and restarts the miner every 60 seconds (about how long it lasts on average before throwing error -56). It'd be nice to have a fix soon, but for now it is not a problem.

Okay, apparently #48 isn't fixed yet, according to FrederickGeek8