
Examples for usage of Mindsdb https://www.mindsdb.com/

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MindsDB Examples

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This repository contains examples of MindsDB usage in predicting different types of data.


pip install mindsdb


pip install -r requirements.txt


In each directory there are different types of datasets avaiable.

cd home_rentals
python3 train.py


Inside dataset directory you can find dataset with Test data. e.g benchmarks/home_rentals/dataset/home_rentals_train.csv. You can use this dataset to check the prediction accuracy.

cd benchmarks/home_rentals
python3 mindsdb_acc.py

Simple Usage

Lets make our predictions for which we will model the relationship between the three variables and rental price. e.g

Predictor(name='home_rentals').predict(when={'number_of_rooms': 3, 'number_of_bathrooms': 1, 'neighborhood' : 'south_side'})

MindsDB will automatically predict a rental price cost value given number_of_rooms, number_of_bathrooms and neighborhood parameters, e.g

  • We are 77% confident the value of "rental_price" lies between 4586 and 4960.

MindsDB Demo

Check the following tutorial, to learn more about MindsDB end-to-end.

Mindsdb Tutorial