
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Clone repo

$ git clone https://github.com/DiaboloKiat/tello-project.git
$ cd tello-project

Setting Anaconda environment

  • Install Anaconda
$ bash Anaconda3-2020.11-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ reboot

Basic Instruction

  • Create a new anaconda environment
$ conda create --name “Name of environment” python=3.7
  • Delete environment
$ conda remove --name “Name of environment” 
  • Enter to the anaconda environment
$ conda activate “Name of environment”
  • Quit to the anaconda environment
$ conda deactivate

Tello setup

  • Install pip packages
$ pip3 install djitellopy2
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • List of packages
ConfigArgParse == 1.2.3
djitellopy == 1.5
numpy == 1.20.3
opencv_python ==
tensorflow == 1.15.2(jupyter notebook) /  2.4.1(hand_gesture_control.py)
mediapipe == 0.8.2
  • Connect Tello

Confirm connection status

$ cd ~/tello-project
$ python3 basic_system/connection_test.py

On successful connection

1. Connection test:
Send command: command
Response: b'ok'

2. Video stream test:
Send command: streamon
Response: b'ok'

Send command: streamoff
Response: b'ok'

If you get such output, you may need to check your connection with the drone

1. Connection test:
Send command: command
Timeout exceed on command command
Command command was unsuccessful. Message: False

2. Video stream test:
Send command: streamon
Timeout exceed on command streamon
Command streamon was unsuccessful. Message: False

Keyboard control

Basic to control the drone with your keyboard

$ cd ~/tello-project
$ python3 basic_system/basic_test.py
keys action
Space Take off drone(if landed) OR Land drone(if in flight)
w Move forward
s Move back
a Move left
d Move right
e Rotate clockwise
q Rotate counter-clockwise
r Move up
f Move down
Esc End program and land the drone
