
Webhooks microservice using Moleculer and a backend using Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webhooks Microservice

This repository contains source code for Webhooks microservice using Moleculer and a backend using Express and MongoDB (with mongoose ODM) that lets you create users (with or without admin privilages on new user), login and lets admin to create, read, update and delete webhooks service and allows every user to trigger webhooks that sends their IP and UNIX Timestamp in post request body.


Getting Started

This reposetory only contains backend (with express) with webhooks service (with molecular) so using postman will he helpful for managing resuests and responses from backend.


This module requires the following modules:


To clone the backend and serve it locally, where MY-WEBHOOKS-MICROSERVICES is the name of your new repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/DiabolusGX/webhooks-microservice.git MY-WEBHOOKS-MICROSERVICES

This will take you to the clonned project directory and ready to configure the project.


  • You have to add .env in root directory of the project where you can store all secret keys (like MONGO_URI in our case)


    PORT is set to 3000 by default but you MUST enter valid MONGO_URI (either mongo atlas cluster or localhost) for application to start and work properly.

    If the username or password includes the : / ? # [ ] @ characters, those characters must be converted using percent encoding.

  • After you've setup enviornment variables, you can continue with installing dependencies :

    • Run to install all rependencies.
      yarn install
    • Run to start the development server that'll run on PORT mentioned in .env file (or 3000 be default).
      yarn start
    • OR you an alternatively use yarn serve that'll install dependencies and run the server.
  • If you're planning to deploy the backend, add


    to command OR in .env file, that'll add extra securty option and will only accept requests from secure sockets (https).


Here is list of routes for reference and usability :


User routes has base user/ path like login path will be http://localhost:3000/user/login with POST method containing credentials (username, password) in JSON format in request body.

Route Method Data in Requirement Format
/signup POST JSON Body - { username, password, isAdmin (Boolean) }
/login POST JSON Body - { username, password }
/logout POST - - -
/update PATCH JSON Body admin { username, newPassword, newIsAdmin }
/delete DELETE JSON BODY admin { username }


Similar to user routes, it has /webhook as base path and logged in user has to be admin to generate, list, update and delete webhook.

Route Method Data in Requirement Format
/register POST Query admin /webhook/register?targetUrl=<url>
/list GET - admin /webhook/list
/update PATCH Query admin webhook/update?id=<webhookId>&targetUrl=<newUrl>
/delete DELETE Query admin webhook/delete?id=<webhookId>

Trigger Webhok

Separate route /ip that anyone can trigger and will send visiting user's ipAddress and UNIX_TIMESTAMP in HTTP POST requerst body in JSON format.

Route Method Data in Requirement Format
/ip POST - - /ip

Additional help

Please reachout to me anytime on discord or by mail 🙏