
Django implementation for Facebook Graph API Posts

Primary LanguagePython

Django Facebook Graph API Posts

PyPI version Build Status Coverage Status

Application for interacting with Facebook Graph API Posts objects using Django model interface


pip install django-facebook-posts

Add into settings.py lines:


# oauth-tokens settings
OAUTH_TOKENS_HISTORY = True                                        # to keep in DB expired access tokens
OAUTH_TOKENS_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID = ''                               # application ID
OAUTH_TOKENS_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET = ''                           # application secret key
OAUTH_TOKENS_FACEBOOK_SCOPE = ['offline_access']                   # application scopes
OAUTH_TOKENS_FACEBOOK_USERNAME = ''                                # user login
OAUTH_TOKENS_FACEBOOK_PASSWORD = ''                                # user password

Usage examples

Fetch post by Graph ID

>>> from facebook_posts.models import Post
>>> post = Post.remote.fetch('19292868552_10150189643478553')
>>> post
<Post: Facebook Developers: >
>>> post.__dict__
{'_application_cache': <Application: NetworkedBlogs>,
 '_author_cache': <Page: Facebook Developers>,
 '_author_content_type_cache': <ContentType: Facebook page>,
 '_external_links_post_save': [],
 '_external_links_to_add': [],
 '_foreignkeys_post_save': [],
 '_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState at 0xbd7e7ec>,
 'actions': [{'link': 'http://www.facebook.com/19292868552/posts/10150189643478553',
   'name': 'Comment'},
  {'link': 'http://www.facebook.com/19292868552/posts/10150189643478553',
   'name': 'Like'},
  {'link': 'http://networkedblogs.com/hGWk3?a=share', 'name': 'Share'}],
 'application_id': 18,
 'author_content_type_id': 82,
 'author_id': 9,
 'author_json': {'category': 'Product/service',
  'id': '19292868552',
  'name': 'Facebook Developers'},
 'caption': '',
 'comments_count': 753,
 'comments_json': {'count': 753,
  'data': [{'created_time': '2012-12-30T17:07:19+0000',
    'from': {'id': '100004288712236', 'name': 'Jian Liu'},
    'id': '19292868552_10150189643478553_24586753',
    'likes': 1,
    'message': 'dsa'}, ...]},
 'comments_real_count': 594,
 'created_time': datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 10, 18, 35, 38, tzinfo=tzutc()),
 'description': u'\nWe continue to make Platform more secure for users. Earlier this year, we introduced the ability for users to browse Facebook over HTTPS. As a result, we provided \u201cSecure Canvas URL\u201d and \u201cSecure Tab URL\u201d fields in the Developer App for developers to serve their apps through an H',
 'expanded_height': None,
 'expanded_width': None,
 'graph_id': '19292868552_10150189643478553',
 'icon': 'http://m.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-b.ak/photos-ak-snc7/v85006/169/9953271133/app_2_9953271133_841622721.gif',
 'id': 4364,
 'likes_count': 8270,
 'likes_json': {'count': 8270,
  'data': [{'id': '100000499350811', 'name': u'Nguy\u1ec5n V\u0103n Linh'},
   {'id': '670265477', 'name': 'Soonsang Hong'},
   {'id': '100005341900488', 'name': 'Aloha Sanjay'},
   {'id': '527488241', 'name': 'Princess Grace Dimaculangan'}]},
 'likes_real_count': 0,
 'link': 'http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/497',
 'message': '',
 'message_tags': None,
 'name': 'Developer Roadmap Update: Moving to OAuth 2.0 + HTTPS',
 'object_id': None,
 'owners_json': None,
 'picture': 'http://m.ak.fbcdn.net/platform.ak/www/app_full_proxy.php?app=9953271133&v=3&size=z&cksum=e15ac22d55f6a9501d3b3ac64c5fb763&src=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.bitpixels.com%2Fgetthumbnail%3Fcode%3D78793%26size%3D120%26url%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Fblog%2F',
 'place': None,
 'privacy': {'value': ''},
 'properties': [{'href': 'http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/official_facebook_developer_blog',
   'name': 'source',
   'text': 'Official Facebook Developer Blog'},
  {'href': 'http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/497',
   'name': 'link',
   'text': 'Full Article...'}],
 'source': '',
 'status_type': 'app_created_story',
 'story': '',
 'story_tags': None,
 'type': 'link',
 'updated_time': datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 15, 1, 24, 46, tzinfo=tzutc()),
 'with_tags': None}

Fetch post comments

>>> from facebook_posts.models import Post
>>> post = Post.remote.fetch('19292868552_10150189643478553')
>>> post.fetch_comments()
[<Comment: Comment object>, <Comment: Comment object>, <Comment: Comment object>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']
>>> post.comments.count()
>>> post.comments.all()[0].__dict__
{'_external_links_post_save': [],
 '_external_links_to_add': [],
 '_foreignkeys_post_save': [],
 '_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState at 0xbfc51cc>,
 'author_content_type_id': 87,
 'author_id': 6447,
 'author_json': {u'id': u'767515690', u'name': u'Tim McKnight'},
 'can_remove': False,
 'created_time': datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 15, 5, 24, 46),
 'graph_id': u'19292868552_10150189643478553_25321001',
 'id': 3605,
 'likes_count': 0,
 'likes_real_count': 0,
 'message': u'test',
 'post_id': 4364,
 'user_likes': False}

Fetch all comments of post

>>> post.fetch_comments(all=True)
[<Comment: Comment object>, <Comment: Comment object>, <Comment: Comment object>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']
>>> page.wall_comments.count()

Fetch post likes

>>> from facebook_posts.models import Post
>>> post = Post.remote.fetch('19292868552_10150189643478553')
>>> post.likes_count # field with likes ammount transfered via API
>>> post.likes_real_count # field with ammount of real likes connections
>>> post.fetch_likes()
[<User: Cosmos Pham>, <User: Ismail Yanık>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']
>>> post.like_users.count()
>>> post.likes_real_count # strange, but real ammount of likes often less than value of likes_count field

Fetch comment likes

>>> from facebook_posts.models import Post, Comment
>>> post = Post.remote.fetch('19292868552_10150189643478553')
>>> comment = Comment.remote.fetch('19292868552_10150189643478553_16210808')
>>> comment.likes_count # field with likes ammount transfered via API
>>> comment.likes_real_count # field with ammount of real likes connections
>>> comment.fetch_likes()
[<User: Blondi Gjini>, <User: Kerem Aydoğan>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']
>>> comment.like_users.count()
>>> comment.likes_real_count


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