DESCRIPTION: ------------ A simple simulation of e-/e+ transport considering only elastic scattering as possible interactions described by scattering of spin-less e-/e+ on an exponentially screened Coulomb potential i.e. using the Rutherford DCS. Each e-/e+ trajectory starts at the [0,0,0] position pointing toward to the [0,0,1] direction and followed until the cumulative track length reaches a given `limit`. This track length limit is the termination criterion for the individual trajectory history simulations. Therefore, each trajectory has exactly the same (`limit`) cumulated track length at termination but the corresponding final position will be different for each. This final position is used to generate the longitudinal (along the <z> axes) and the transverse (along the <xy> plane) position distributions after travelling `limit` length in the given `material` with the given `kinetic energy`. These distributions are written into files at the termination. The configuration of the simulation can be given in the `main()` function. - theMaterial : material i.e. one of the WATER, AIR, BONE, TISSUE, GOLD - theEKin : kinetic energy of the e-/e+ (there is no energy loss) - theLimit : cumulated track length limit given in elastic mean free path units - theNumHists : number of trajectory histories to generate during teh simulation The default settings, given in the `main()` function, should generate the same longitudinal and transverse distributions that are shown in my old presentation in slides #25 and #26 (see the link below). NOTE: there is a typo in the presentation below: 128 [MeV] should be 128 [keV] which is correct here in the default settings. Requirements: cmake 3.9 C++11 compiler (OPTIONAL) MaxCompiler and MaxPower 2021.1 (OPTIONAL) Vivado 2019.2 (OPTIONAL) ant (OPTIONAL) Build FPGA Bitstream -------------------- 1. cd FPGA/DFE 2. ./ Compile and Run ---------------- 1. mkdir build 2. cd build 3. cmake ../ - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -> not optimised debug build with stack protectors and debug symbols - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -> optimised build with no debug options - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DebugOptimized -> optimised debug build with debug symbols - -DTESTS=ON -> build unit tests (requires catch2) - -DFPGA_BUILD=ON -> build FPGA CPU code (requires building FPGA bitstream) - -DGPU=ON -> build GPU code (requires CUDA) 4. ./mccs [options] - -t number of threads to use (-t1 for sequential version) - -m material index 0 -> WATER, 1-> AIR, 2 -> BONE, 3 -> TISSUE, 4 -> GOLD - -n number of histories - -f filename writes the histograms to filename - -d uses DPFA accelerator ./test/test executeds unit tests Example usage: ./mcss -m 3 -n 10000000 Acknowledgements: 1. topas for providing ks-test.cpp 2. Geant4 for providing the original algorithm