A simple GUI project based on Python 3 with the scope to generate a QR Code.
Waseem S. (Nickname: Diamond Star).
- QR Code Geno is a simple program written in Python 3.7.2
- Its purpose is to generats a QR code for a text supplied by the user, that could be captured by a phone camera or so for using in various apps that support QR code.
- the text lenght allowed is 200 characters.
- it is sufficient for most URLs, emails, phone numbers, etc.
- wxPython For GUI operations.
- Pyqcode For generating QR code easily.
- Pypng For generating png images. (required by Pyqcode)
- wxFormBuilder: A tool to build GUI forms visually based on wxPython library.
- Make sure you have Python 3 installed;
- Unzip the project to your desired location;
- Navigate in Windows Explorer or cmd to the location;
- Launch: python Main.pyw or python -3 Main.pyw
- Don't worry about installing required packages,
the program designed to take care of that at the first run (Check py/InstallPkg.py if interested to know how)
- to be documented;
- to be documented;
"save as..." button to be able to save the QR Code under different formats: Vector and Bitmap Image File Formats;
"share" button for sharing on social media;
"about" button for explaining what it is about and how to use it;
"mail" button to be able to send the QR Code in a new e-mail, with 2 options: as attachment or as picture inserted;
expand the default limit from 200 characters to standard:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code Numeric only Max. 7,089 characters (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Alphanumeric Max. 4,296 characters (0–9, A–Z [upper-case only], space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :) Binary/byte Max. 2,953 characters (8-bit bytes) (23624 bits) Kanji/Kana Max. 1,817 characters
Ctrl+A is not available for text manipulation. Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V are available;
Ctrl+C is not available for copying the QR Code;
allow a history view for the last X texts used so far; If X <= n keep the texts in memory else write them to a file.