This is a simple javascript terminal. you can use the jcmd or interpreter classes to fully customize this console
- to create a jcmd object, the page must be loaded
<div id="console"></div>
<script src="jcmd.js"></script>
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
let jc = new jcmd("console", height="400px", width="75%");
var echo = function(jc) { jc.output(jc.input.value); };
That example will echo any input you type in
<div id="console"></div>
<script src="jcmd.js"></script>
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
let jci = new interpreter("console");
jci.bind("$all", function() { this.output(this.input.value); }.bind(jci));
That example does the same thing, but using interpreter class
<div id="console"></div>
<script src="jcmd.js"></script>
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
let jci = new interpreter("console");
jci.bind("$all", function() { this.output("this is what happens when any value is input"); }.bind(jci));
jci.bind("/$else", function() { this.output("this is what happens when any value starting with / is input"); }.bind(jci));
That example uses the new $else preset
<div id="console"></div>
<script src="jcmd.js"></script>
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
let jci = new interpreter("console");
jci.bind("$all", function() { this.output(this.input.value); }.bind(jci));
jci.bind("/setprompt $else", function() { this.setPrompt = this.input.value.split(" ")[1] + " "; });
That example uses the $else preset to allow arguments for the /setprompt command shown
the interpreter has a few more tricks up its sleeve
if you bind the command $all to a function, that function will be called whenever any input is entered
if you bind the command $else to a function, that function will be called when the command input is not binded to anything
initializes console (the clear parameter is the elements to remove when jcmd.clear is run)
adds a new element of inputtype (default is p) and sets its innerHTML to inputtext
event listener for enter keypress
will run the callback when the enter key is pressed inside input
please make sure the callbak is a bound function
removes all elements in the clearlist (see jcmd.constructor) but keeps the input and prompter
changes the innerHTML of jcmd.propmpter (the label element inside the terminal)
the element you put the terminal in
the input element inside the console
the label element next to jcmd.input
an asociative array containing the clear parameter of jcmd.constructor
initialized the interpreter and binds activate function to jcmd.onInput
calls function() when command is input
unbinds a callback
starts the interpreter. dont use this function, it is already running
stores any data you want to put in here, will be global for any function using interpreter as this
stores the commands and callbacks to all the commands you binded