
A javascript wrapper from python. Executes javascript in browser using tampermonkey

Primary LanguagePython

JS wrapper for python

This project allows you to control browser tabs from python (also nodejs terminal, coming soon)

Tested on Chrome 96, Firefox 108 on Linux and Windows x86 with Tampermonkey and Python 3.8

Also tested on KDE Falkon :)

There are a few known bugs, which I am working on

How to use

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Run setup.py to install module

  3. Install websockets module and run coordinator.py server

  4. Install Tampermonkey and load the script js_control.js

import js_control as js
tabdata = {"url": "URL OF TAB", "title": "TITLE OF TAB"} # Data used to identify tab
tab = js.WSSTab("", 16388, tabdata) # Connect to browser tab
document = js.Object("document", tab) # Locate document object on tab

myelement = document.createElement("p")
myelement.innerHTML = "I ran javascript"

As of the latest update, you no longer need to place strings in double quotes. If you want to refer to a JS variable, use a new Variable object

Data model

All messages between python and the browser are co-ordinated by the coordinator.

It operates a websocket server on port 16384 and a socket server on port 16388

Messages are sent in JSON with scripts sent as {"type": "data", "tab": {"url": "<Tab URL>", "title": "<Tab title>"}, "data": {"script": "<Script to execute, uses eval sorry>"}}

The browser will then return the following JSON data {"type": "data", "tab": {"url": "<Tab URL>", "title": "<Tab title>"}, "data": {"return": "<Data returned>"}}

If an error occurs, this message will be sent {"type": "data", "tab": {"url": "<Tab URL>", "title": "<Tab title>"}, "data": {"error": "<Exception, fresh out of a try ... catch>"}}

When a tab connects it will send this {"type": "meta", "data": {"url": "<Tab URL>", "title": "<Tab title>"}}

Finally commands are sent using this format. Their return data will be shown in the commands section {"type": "meta", "tab": OPTIONAL, "data": {"command": "<command>"}} OR {"type": "meta", "tab": OPTIONAL, "data": {"command": ["<command>", "<arg1>", "<arg2>", ...]}}


"resend_info": Runs on all tabs. Forces them to resend their tabdata

"ping": Just returns "pong". Runs on specified tab



class Variable


String containing reference to javascript variable


Tab object. Inherits from BaseTab


Original definition of javascript variable. usually a function call

def new(self, name, tab, once=False)

If you manage to create an instance of this class, something went seriously wrong.

Locates a variable on tab. If once is True, a new variable will be created

def init_subclass(cls, jstype, **kwargs)

This is used when inheriting from Variable. jstype is the type given from typeof x in javascript. Dont know why it edits the registry of Variable

def getattr, setattr, delattr

Gets, sets or deletes attribute on javascript variable. Does not require two pairs of quotes, except for setting attribute value

def getitem, setitem, delitem

Gets, sets or deletes item on javascript variable. Requires two pairs of quotes

def repr

Returns <{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} {self._name or self._def} at {hex(id(self))}>

def str

Returns self._name or self._def if applicable

def bytes

Returns str(self).encode()

def bool

Returns (self._tab.send_script(f"String(!!{self._name})") == "true")


class Undefined, Symbol, Object, Boolean, BigInt

Returned from javascript.variable.Variable.__new__ when JS variable referred to corresponds to type. No special functions

class Function(Variable, jstype="function")

def call(self, *args, **kwargs)

The really interesting part! Parses args and kwargs into string literal and returns Variable with function call as _def

Creates a new variable on javascript end using once=True

class Number(Variable, jstype="number")

def int(self)

Just returns integer representation of itself

class String(Variable, jstype="string")

def str(self)

Just returns string representation of itself


Im not writing that. if you want to see, just look at js.errors.all_errors


def rand_string(l=6)

Generates a random string. used by Variable to generate new variable name

def stringify(string)

Converts various python types to valid literals in javascript

def object_type(obj)

Gets the real type of a JS object. uses Object.prototype.toString.call


class BaseTab

All tab objects must inherit from this

def send_script(self, data, fdata=None)
def start_callback(self, func)
def stop_callback(self, func)

class StdIOTab(BaseTab)

Used for testing. Instead of sending JS to browser, it will run input()

class WSSTab(BaseTab)

The default tab. Connects to co-ordinator

def init(self, host, port, tabdata, ping=True)

Just sets up variables, will only connect to ping tab unless ping is False

def repr(self)

Returns f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.connection[0]}, {self.connection[1]}, {self.tabdata})"

def send_json(self, data)

Sends raw JSON data. Use send_script with fdata instead

def send_script(self, data, fdata=None)

Sends javascript. will return the JS data or raise an error corresponding to JS errors

def start_callback(self, func)

Allows javascript to call python functions. Not done yet, so do not use

def stop_callback(self, func)

Also not done yet

classmethod async def async_get_tabs(cls, host, port, url_search, title_search)

Forces all tabs to resend data, returns list of WSSTab. URL search and title search not implemented, do not use the arguments

classmethod def get_tabs(cls, host="", port=16388, url_search='', title_search='')

Just calls the function described above

class NodeTab(BaseTab)

Definently not done yet, only works on linux due to broken pty module