
Hackaton launch X 2022

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Hackaton Launch X 2022


Usuario de Github Nombre Asignación
unciafidelis Alejandro Morgan Full Stack
MagdielAndres Magdiel Andrés Castellanos FrontEnd
dalexez Daniel Alejandro Espinoza Alvarado BackEnd
dianaMagallanes Diana Magallanes BackEnd
sergioaltuzar Sergio Luis Altuzar Morales FrontEnd

What is SeaExplorers?

Sea explorers it's a project that's working on cleaning what has already accumulated in the ocean and beaches. We do this, working with our members that participates on differents events. When the events conclude we assign them differents badges based on their hard work.

Examples of badges

To see more badges you can go to: Show me the badges

MicrosoftTeams-image MicrosoftTeams-image (1) MicrosoftTeams-image (2)

Follow us

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Convención de Mensajes en Commit


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Actualizar un archivo, elemento, texto o función


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Solucionar un error de escritura o falta de ortografía


Eliminar un archivo

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

More documentation about how to run this repo


Used Technologies

NodeJS Vue Vuetify Postgresql Azure Jest SASS ESLint Express

Diagram DB

How it's working right now: Diagrama DB Funcional

Now, we are working on: Diagrama DB Funcional Futuro Proximo

Cambio de privado a público

El cambio de visibilidad de privado a público afecta los fork y branches del proyecto separandolos en proyectos individuales.

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