Twitter Delete

NOTE: All development has halted due to twitters impending plan to cut off/charge for API access.

A simple tool to process a twitter archive of its tweets, and then delete them, subject to some basic criteria

This tool REQUIRES Twitter API v1.1 access. This tool exclusively uses legacy v1.1 endpoints, NOT the new v2 endpoints.

This is because those are the only ones I have access to.


The first thing you need to do is import your twitter archive, as so

twitter_delete import PATH/TO/ARCHIVE/DIR

This will look for the various data/tweet.js and data/tweet-partN.js files, importing them all into a sqlite database at $HOME/.config/twitter_delete/tweets.db.

After importing them, it will check every tweet for whether it's already been deleted from Twitter or not. This is done in batches of 100 using the v1.1 Lookup API, to not waste work and the rate limit on already deleted tweets.

After this is done, you can delete tweets subject to some simple filters

WARNING: These filters are based ONLY on data in your twitter archive. The latest information from twitter is NOT checked.

If run without --older-than, this command will fail. If you want to potentially delete ALL tweets, you MUST pass --older-than 0

To delete all tweets older than 30 days, unless they have more than 2 likes and 1 retweet, and excluding the tweets ID 123456 or 7890, this is the command.

If you would like an or check, you will have to run this command multiple times

twitter_delete delete \
    --older-than 30 \
    --unless-likes 2 \
    --unless-retweets 1 \
    --exclude 123456,7890

This is done using the v1.1 Destroy API. This can only be done one at a time.


If you ran this before v0.1.1 then you need to run.

If you do not, the database will not know which account the tweets belong to when displaying stats.

This archive MUST be for the same account you originally imported in v0.1.0.

twitter_delete update --to "v0.1.1" PATH/TO/ARCHIVE/DIR